Monday, March 29, 2010

'A Conversation' - Aftermath

It's over! Our shoot yesterday mostly went better than I'd hoped. Mostly.

On our last movie only 10% of the footage was 'useable'. I reviewed the transfer this morning and I'm happy to say that at least 80% of the footage from yesterday's shoot is 'useable' and half of it is good enough that I won't cringe when I show it to people.

We all had a really good time, lots of laughs, more food than we needed... and ladybugs. Hundreds of ladybugs. I guess they liked all the lights.

Here's some pictures!

Pretending to play Texas Hold'em, No Limit.

"It was like a huge bird, man!" - Ed cracks up.

"You mean a REAL UFO?" - Scott can't keep a straight face.

Ed and Scott trying to be serious... and failing.

Me giving Garrett direction.

Me not realizing the picture behind me is crooked... till we're finished.

"I've got to call my husband... I mean my wife!" - Garrett on zero sleep.

I've got a lot of footage to organize so give me some time. I'm going to cut the gag reel first because it's easier and it'll help me familiarize myself with all the clips.

Rehearsing two weeks before the shoot made a huge difference in the quality. Also the lighting is better than on our last shoot, though I still need a lot of practice before I win any awards hehe.

It's a shame the set started falling apart midway through the shoot. Also we blew the sound on about 4 lines of dialogue and several inserts of the cards being played ended up being the wrong angle. Other than that and my really bad hairstyle, everything else went pretty well!

Thanks very much to everyone who participated, I look forward to working with you all again someday. Sooner than you think actually. I'm planning another movie for June if my financial arrangements work out.

Stay tuned!

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